Geelong Youth Rally

Saturday, the 25th of November 2023 saw Geelong church youth group “Aygee” host their first ever youth rally. It was a great representation, not only for the Youth in the west of Victoria, but for VicYouth as a whole. Featuring Wollongong youth pastor Beez, who presented a message on the prodigal son, and Melton Samoan Youth, who brought incredible music to the event.

Despite the long travel, youth from all over Victoria came and enjoyed the “Big Day Out” Youth Rally, with lunch and beach walks following the service for those who didn’t mind a late trip home.

Throughout the event, we learnt the importance and value of community. Throughout the sermon, we learnt that each of us is incredibly valuable to God. Not because of anything we do, but because of who God has made us to be. Through the interviews, we saw how many people had come together to make the event possible, and through the special items, we saw just some of the benefits of coming together to worship God.

It was great to see so many people make a big commitment to be at the event, and it was even better to see God working in the lives of those who attended. Thank you everyone who made this event possible!

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